Session Description
ROOM- Rousseau Center
With today’s focus on ESG related investing ($11.6 trillion‚ AI or $1 of every $4 invested in the United States‚ AI was invested under ESG investment strategies), naturally, there is a lot of interest in this topic with the large publicly traded builders. But what about the small and mid size builders? How do they take advantage of this growth opportunity? How can you as a Rater help grow your own HERS® Ratings book of business by guiding these Builders to submit their homes to the Registry in order to take advantage of ESG related opportunities?
With today’s focus on ESG related investing ($11.6 trillion‚ AI or $1 of every $4 invested in the United States‚ AI was invested under ESG investment strategies), naturally, there is a lot of interest in this topic with the large publicly traded builders. But what about the small and mid size builders? How do they take advantage of this growth opportunity? How can you as a Rater help grow your own HERS® Ratings book of business by guiding these Builders to submit their homes to the Registry in order to take advantage of ESG related opportunities?
This session will cover a basic overview of how current trends in ESG investing interact in the lending process, how ESG reporting works through the RESNET® Registry, and requirements for Raters to be aware of to help their Builders fully take advantage of this program.