Session Description
ROOM- Toucan
Energy code compliance and enforcement is a national challenge. Currently it is fragmented, inconsistent, inefficient, and unpredictable, and many code departments lack resources and energy expertise. However, in many markets there are HERS® Raters with the knowledge, equipment, and staff to support code compliance and enforcement. This session will explore the relationship between code departments and HERS® Raters, and how we can improve collaboration and communication between the two in order to improve compliance rates and mitigate code department staff shortages.
Energy code compliance and enforcement is a national challenge. Currently it is fragmented, inconsistent, inefficient, and unpredictable, and many code departments lack resources and energy expertise. However, in many markets there are HERS® Raters with the knowledge, equipment, and staff to support code compliance and enforcement. This session will explore the relationship between code departments and HERS® Raters, and how we can improve collaboration and communication between the two in order to improve compliance rates and mitigate code department staff shortages.